Defining processes describes how to define a process and associated status rules by writing JSON by hand. Although this is an entirely feasible method, it can quickly become complicated and is difficult for other people to understand the process.
The business process model (BPM) interface is a set of additional tools that make it easier to define a process and status rules. There are two parts to the BPM interface:
A convention for defining a process using higher-level BPM step types (as opposed to the execution step types in the manual JSON). This has the following advantages:
The BPM process supports roles, allowing processes to be defined that span more than one partner, and which will eventually be represented by multiple workers.
The BPM process can include both flow rules (i.e. the "next" processing using the "state" propery) and status rules (used for menus), allowing both execution flow and user flow to be captured in the same model.
The BPM step types are simplified versions of the underlying execution step types, and a single BPM step type may represent multiple execution steps. This allows common combinations of execution steps to be included as a single BPM step.
The BPM step types allow for additional parameterisation, allowing a process definition to be configured for different uses.
The process used to convert the BPM definition into the executable process definition supports bringing in other resources, such as form definitions and files, allowing these to be included easily in processes.
An interface from modelling tools such as the Camunda Modeler application (see which allows a BPM to be built graphically. Please note that Metrici have no affiliation with Camunda and our use of their product does not imply any endorsement of us by them.
The BPM processing and the Camunda interface are combined into a single node, the Camunda Importer, which interprets the Camunda data, converts this into a BPM model, and then uses a process compiler to convert the BPM model into a process definition and status rules.
The sections below provide a step-by-step account of how to build a flow using Camunda Modeler. You can find reference information in the Metrici development guide, Business process model (BPM) interface section.