Most processes show the user one or more forms.
You can code forms into properties, as in the example in Process definition. However, for anything other than the most trivial forms, it's easier to create the form as a separate node.
You can create a form using the Form type ( This lets you define the form using JSON. The form provides an initial form definition which illustrates the main field type, and has a link to the full form documentation.
To try it out, create a form and call it Food One. In the Form box, paste in a form definition.
{ "method": "execute", "startWrapper": "<div class=\"formbox well\">", "endWrapper": "<\/div>", "button": "formSubmit", "fields": [ "<p>Hello again.<\/p>", { "reference": "name", "type": "line", "name": "Name" }, { "type": "button", "value": "submit", "name": "Submit", "fieldClass": "primary" }, { "type": "button", "value": "cancel", "name": "Cancel", "fieldClass": "default" } ] }
When you save the form, you should see the form.