Worker templates

Before they can be used by the process client, the process definition and status rules must be combined in a worker template which describes how to create a process worker.

To do this, create a node of type library.worker.WorkerTemplateType. Give it a suitable name (in our case Hello World Template, and then on the Process tab, enter the following fields.

Worker name

A default name for the new worker.

If you are using connections, you can insert the name of the connection using the syntax [connection]. For example, if you were using a connection reference of supplier to connect to suppliers, you might have name like

View [supplier] monthly report

If you don't want to offer a default name to the user, provide a worker name of [], i.e. square brackets with nothing in.


Link to the process definition, in our example the Hello World Process.

Status rules

Link to the status rules definition, in our case the Hello World Status Rules.

Initial action

Specify an action to run when the worker is created. In our case, set to @init to run the @init action. (By convention, initial actions are named @init, but could be called anything).

Connection roles

If the process requires connections to partners, list the role names for those partners here. This will be resolved to links to the appropriate connections during worker creation. We don't need any for this example.

Other fields can be left to default. Press Save to save the template.

Although they are primarily used within the process client, workers can exist as standalone nodes, though some aspects such as connections may not work outside the process client. For standalone nodes, you would use the worker template as a node type to create an instance of the worker and test out your process. You can try this with the Hello World Template example.